還以為久未合作的 Copywriter 可以把文章交得妥當一點,還不知一看簡體版和英文版的寫作,無名火起!簡體版中竟亳不用心的把廣東用語直接轉成簡體字!經典如:「勝在夠團結」、「姑勿論」、「發夢似的」... 連我的普通話這麼差勁也知道普通話是說「做夢」!什麼「勝在夠團結」、「姑勿論」真是不知所謂!至於英文,看了第一句,真不想再看,也沒有心情去作任何更改。是我誇口嗎?且看以下「句子」!
“Six Men with basically an all-different background, it was the mutual trust, altogether with the mutual encouragement and inspiration, that brought the Hong Kong spirit of unification and cooperation alive, which in turns brought the teammates perhaps the precious most medal in their career-to-date, the Bowling Men Five Player Teams silver medal in 2005 East Asian Games(EAG), Macau.”